Unmanned aerial vehicles
which, until recently, were used only by the military and scientists, have tightly entered the modern life and activities of companies from various fields, since:
- The cost of using drones for aerial photography is 10-20 times less than the cost of similar shooting from manned vehicles or satellites;
- Drones can provide data much faster than satellites;
- Prices for UAVs and associated equipment are steadily dropping as the drone trend increases.

Application industries
Public Safety
Transport and infrastructure
Geodetic research
Field Handling
Application of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides by agricultural drones. Spraying liquid fertilizer on the leaf.
Processing orchards and berries
Application of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides. Agro drones spraying liquid fertilizers on the leaf.
Processing forests and resort areas
Application of insecticides, fungicides by drones by sprayers. Insect control (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.)
Modern methods of land cultivation using drones
Drone application of PPP
Treatment with pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides, fungicides and insecticides
Drone fertilization
Spraying on the leaf with solutions of liquid fertilizers, gummates, microelements
Drone Desiccation
Pre-harvest desiccation of any crops with agro-drones without rutting
Economic effect of land cultivation by drones
High precision and processing density
Reducing the consumption of preparations, fertilizers by 30%
Reducing water consumption during processing by 95-97%
The absence of a track increases the yield by 4-6%
Possibility of processing in high crops
Possibility of processing in early spring and during floods
Answers to frequently asked questions
How much area can we cover with agrodrones in 1 working day?
Our company’s fleet of agro-drones allows us to process up to 1,500 hectares in 1 working day.
We have electric and hybrid sprayer drones at our disposal, which allows us to perform a wide range of tasks in any conditions.
We accept orders for processing from 10 hectares. When ordering treatment of areas up to 300 hectares, the cost of the team’s arrival is additionally paid.
What is the cost of cultivating 1 hectare with agrodrones?
The cost of treatment directly depends on the applied drug or tank mixture, the total area being treated, the topography of the fields, and external factors.
In each specific case, the cost of processing 1 hectare is discussed individually and starts from 250 UAH/ha.
In which regions do we carry out agrodrone treatment?
We process large clusters of land throughout Ukraine.
Our company has 4 brigades, with 3 or 4 drones in each. We treat areas up to 100 hectares according to a preliminary treatment plan agreed in advance.
The application of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides by agrodrones is carried out in all regions of Ukraine. The application of fertilizers and microelements on the leaf using agrodrones is carried out in all regions of Ukraine. Desiccation of grains and oilseeds by agrodrones is carried out for winter crops in all regions, and for spring crops, mainly in the northern and western regions of Ukraine.
What crops are treated with agrodrones?
Processing with drone sprayers is carried out on any agricultural crops (cereals, oilseeds, melons, root crops, etc.).
We use agrodrones to cultivate fields, orchards (both low-growing modern ones and tall old ones), berry fields (strawberries, raspberries, currants), and vineyards.
We also work with forestry enterprises and carry out processing of various forest plantations (processing of pine plantations, linden plantations with agrodrones).
Our agrodrones are used to combat insects (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.) in resort areas. Treatment is carried out using spraying and smoke methods.
What drugs are used during processing?
The preparations for processing are selected by the customer and agreed with the specialists of our company. Agro-drones allow you to apply any soluble organic and inorganic preparations: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, all types of liquid and water-soluble fertilizers and microelements.
Our specialists will help you select the required concentration of the drug for treatment.
The most popular requests for agrodrone processing
For grain crops:
Treatment with agrodrones of insecticides against pest bugs, thrips, grain cutworms, and aphids. Treatment of agrodrones with fungicides to combat various grain diseases. Desiccation of grains with drones (wheat, corn).
For oilseeds:
Treatment of rapeseed and sunflower with agrodrone insecticides against secretive proboscis, flower beetle, cutworm, weevils, moths. Application of boron by agrodrones to sunflower. Desiccation of sunflower and rapeseed with agrodrones.
For trees and shrubs:
Treatment of agrodrones with insecticides against various pests. Treatment of agrodrones with fungicides to combat various diseases.